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Fit versus Healthy

balanced-stones-blog-61515There is a difference between being in top physical shape and holistically healthy. Some people may be in great athletic shape, but actually neglecting their body’s other internal health needs.

There have been numerous cases where professional athletes in the peak of their careers have died of heart attacks and other natural complications. Could these deaths have been prevented by taking better care of their overall health? Possibly.

A physically fit body is typically a body that exudes health and vibrancy, however, this doesn’t mean that underlying illnesses such as cancer or cardiovascular disorders are not underneath the surface.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which includes acupuncture, there are energetic meridian imbalances in the body when our organs are not functioning to their fullest capacity.

Although you may feel in great athletic shape, when your body is out of balance, your organs are not getting the sufficient energy and blood flow they need to function properly.

The best thing to do is listen to your body. If something feels off or you feel low energy, these could be signs of an imbalance in your body.

The foundation of healthy living is a powerful free-flowing meridian system free to help the body without interference; this can be done through acupuncture.

By stimulating acupuncture points on different meridians on your body, we can be restore you to balance and better overall health.

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