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Seattle, WA


How to Set Yourself Free from Anxiety Using the Law of Attraction and Past Life Healing

Sunday, October 20, 2019

5 – 7pm

at East West Bookshop

6407 12th Avenue NE, Seattle 98115   (in Roosevelt Square)

Join Linda Phelps, acupuncturist and Brian Weiss-trained past life therapist, to learn how to become free of anxiety forever while manifesting abundance in all areas of your life.

Linda’s unique and empowering 4-step Holistic Freedom from Anxiety process has brought awesome results to her students for over 4 years. Her comprehensive proven technique teaches you the real secret to putting the Law of Attraction into action while anxiety becomes a thing of the past.


In this amazing masterclass, you’ll discover:


~ How past life issues are the real Root Cause of your anxiety.

~ How to Release Past Life Blockages  to resolve your pattern of stress and anxiety.

~ How to Connect with the Spiritual Realm and your natural spiritual gifts to Create the Life of your Dreams!

…..and you’ll experience A Guided Past Life Regression so you can begin your journey to an anxiety-free life!


TICKETS: $35 available at the door or in advance at 206-523-3726 or





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